Pink Gerbera Bouquet

Pink Gerbera Bouquet

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This beautiful pink bouquet combines bright pink gerberas with delicate cream, peach, and light pink roses, complemented by peach carnations. Arranged in an elegant wrapping and tied with a soft ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, or as a special gift that expresses your affection and love.

Product code: P00252 Shipping and Payment

from 80 €
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This beautiful pink bouquet combines bright pink gerberas with delicate cream, peach, and light pink roses, complemented by peach carnations. Arranged in an elegant wrapping and tied with a soft ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, or as a special gift that expresses your affection and love.

Product code: P00252 Shipping and Payment

Veľkosť S, M, L, XL
Kvety a rastliny Ruža, Gerbera, Diantus
Farba BielaRužováViacfarebnáFialová